Texas Mutual Insurance Company

Texas Mutual Announces Manufacturers Purchasing Group

NEWS RELEASE: August 7, 2006

Texas Mutual Announces Manufacturers Purchasing Group

AUSTIN—Texas Mutual Insurance Company announced its newest workers’ compensation purchasing group today: Texas Association of Manufacturers (TAM). The group provides qualifying members with a competitive option for workers’ comp coverage.

The Texas Department of Insurance allows employers in similar businesses to reduce their workers’ comp premiums by purchasing their coverage as a group. Texas Mutual Insurance Company applies the same premium discount to each TAM group member, regardless of its individual premium size. Members can adopt a safety plan developed specifically for their industry, and they are eligible to participate in the Texas Mutual®individual and group dividend programs.*

TAM is open to most manufacturing classification codes. Any licensed Texas insurance agent can place qualifying clients into the group, with the underwriter’s approval. For more information about TAM and other Texas Mutual® purchasing groups, visit the Agents section at www.texasmutual.com.

*Past dividends are not a guarantee of future dividends, and the Texas Department of Insurance must approve all dividends.

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